
Instal the new version for ipod War Games
Instal the new version for ipod War Games

instal the new version for ipod War Games

At 2:20, I’ve stopped Chess Elite running on the left iPhone. With regard to the already-linked Chess Elite demo, you can also see Push work. In this case, on the right phone, I make a move (after making sure I quit the game on the left) at around 0:55 the message only arrives at 4:25 to the left phone. Note that Chess with Friends (as with the other multiplayer titles of the same developer) has always had a bit of delay (1-2 minutes) with push messages arriving. THIS video also shows Push notification in action. Nevertheless, this doesn’t really ruin the easiness and simplicity of the concept.) (Unfortunately, for example UNO doesn’t take you to the game started by your buddy – you must search it yourself. Then, he (she) only needs to tap "Play" and will be immediately taken to the game. The situation on the invited buddy’s side is equally easy: when an invitation arrives, he’ll be notified right away. That is, the person sending out the invitation can safely stay in the game: if his (her) buddy does want to play, he (she) will see him (her) joining the game in 1-2 minutes at most. Much cleaner, it involves much less effort on both (but, particularly, on the person that invites the other – no need to fire up an IM / mail client and enter your invitation etc.) sides and, as opposed to e-mail, it surely gets read by the invited buddy at once (or with some minutes later). This also means you don’t need to use the traditional, manual ways (email, IM, giving a call etc.) of notifying your buddies of your invitation. This lets the players send out game requests in real time that will surely be received pretty quickly. Some (unfortunately, not all) multiplayer games also incorporate Push notification. With IM apps, these can be, among other things, new messages sent to you by your buddies. It lets you notified of certain events even when the phone is suspended (by, for example, pressing the Power button – this will only work via cellular connections, not Wi-Fi ones that is, iPod touch push notification won’t work in this state). , you become aware of the brand new and revolutionary feature of the new iPhone OS: Push.

Instal the new version for ipod War Games