
Legacy bulkhead download free
Legacy bulkhead download free

legacy bulkhead download free

As simple as the Legacy figure is, I don't feel like I'm going to break him and he looks good and once I add some touch up work I think I can bring him to where I wanted him. As an homage to Prime Bulkhead, you might be better off with the Prime RiD voyager Bulkhead (which was a different mold than the First Edition figure but might be closer to what you may prefer and may fit in your CHUG collection as a CHUG Bulkhead, YMMV). It was probably just my copy for some issues but I just really soured on that release. It was a good figure and parts count alone was great, but I'm not as big a fan of the IDW look of that era, also the figure was fiddly and unstable and the articulation was wonky to me and thanks to the head flip mine developed a crack in his hood right down the middle. I'll be breaking out my airbrush soon enough to adjust some things myself but in general, I like this more than the T30 figure.

legacy bulkhead download free

I also wish his windows were tinted black and his fists were red, but I can live with it. They really needed to paint his entire thigh sections silver and his rear side windows needed to be painted in. It meant I could play with my toy as a transformer OR as a toy from City Connection, lol.Īdmittedly the paint it lacking. I understand the concept of making more G1-styled versions of characters from Prime or other lines, but to me the Bulkhead in this is mostly a surface veneer, like any convention exclusive toy where they slap a new head and color scheme on a toy with a close enough altmode or general shape and call it a day.

legacy bulkhead download free

Slightly bigger and more heavily armed and he turned into a car from one of my favorite video games ever, City Connection. It helps that as a kid I always wondered which Autobot car I'd want as a friend and while I loved Bumblebee…mainly because I love VW Beetles, I always dug Skids more. Honestly, aside from paint and tossing out that energon accessory I really dig this little guy. Finally found a Legacy Skids and you know, I like it! It has some design issues of course but the panel on the back of the head doesn't bother me and I added some wheel fillers to the front wheel and customized them to have rivet head so they look more like the back wheels.

Legacy bulkhead download free